Client: Ikigai Cases, USA
A high-quality aluminum pill case was developed by my client. He needed a packaging design to protect it during shipping and to present it nicely.
I designed a packaging that matches the corporate identity of the company.
The original design has some elements that make the unboxing experience exciting: when taking out the pill case, the company logo becomes visible underneath it. After removing the inlays, the customer finds a sleeve with a special card.
In order to express the high end quality of the product, a packaging size was chosen that is noticeably larger than the pill case itself. Colors, materials, and finishes were selected that convey high value, whilst matching the brand identity. The white inlay provides a clean canvas that puts the pill case in focus.
After my client came up with a second pill case size, I helped creating a fitting box for the new size too.
For both sizes, I created files that were used for making the boxes and printing the graphics.
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